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Correy excels in candid photos. He likes to photograph quietly from a moderate distance, not that into directing people.


Therefore, always be doing something or have some sort of activity going on constantly so that he can capture it.


His speciality is the perfect balance of capturing the atmosphere and environment as close to what the eye actually sees.


They photograph in similar ways, yet they are both very different in their approach and style.

Joyce likes to wait quietly with her camera up by her face scanning the room like a radar, with her finger readily on the shutter button as she anticipates a special, or candid moment to occur.


She likes her contrasts a lot and she is not so into blurry bokeh for her backgrounds.

Thank you for contacting May Dream Photography, we will reply to you as soon as we possibly can, thanks! Have a nice day!

May Dream Photography Photo Gallery Portfolio of Work

Pros: Correy is tall and can get to those high angles when recording video footage, this is perfect for school balls and birthday parties.

He is a speedy shooter and gives out quite a lot of photos. The amount of dedication he gives at each photo session is amazing, he will give it his all to the get adorable kid photos, even if it means for him to squat low down and run after them to get those candid photos of them having fun or eating a cupcake. 


Pros: Joyce is a photographer that shoots insanely fast and loves generously giving her clients tonnes of beautifully edited photos. She covers a large range of photo sessions so she is not limited to only birthday parties or graduations. She's a video editor too btw, creating wholesome videos. She mingles in easily with the guests and is a chatterbox. Her photos are candid (she gets those posed group photos too don't worry), ultra HD, bright, dynamic, clear and sharp. She edits her photos as if people had sunkissed complexions and it's super gorgeous. 


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